When you are faced with challenging times, make sure you remember these Bible verses for tough times!
If you are experiencing tough times in your life, you should let God’s word guide you through them! Unfortunately, pain is part of the human narrative, and ever since the primordial sin, we as people have been paying for Adam and Eve’s mistakes.
Since we have been exposed to knowledge and pain, sin has also slithered its way into our daily lives, impacting all creation and adding suffering to the pain. Sin also has a way of damaging every part of our lives, and the evil brought into this world is testing us each day.
That is when we should be turning to God’s word and His teachings so that we do not stray even more than humanity has already done.
What’s more, it is the best choice we have when life and God are testing us. It may not be that you sin, but rather that the Devil is trying to influence you to give into these tough times and not follow His light.
No matter if you are dealing with the general tough times that are brought to us daily or you are tested with a shadow of anguish and you are struggling deeply, remember that God is with us! No matter if we are in pain or happiness, the Lord is there with us, and His plan for us ends with redemption and light.
Since navigating tough times as a Christian can at times be isolating, we have brought you some of the best bible verses from the Scripture to guide you.
Keep them in mind, and when you feel beaten down by the world, remember and honor Him through these verses, as these passages illuminate our anguish with radiating hope.
What other Bible verses help you through rough patches in your life? Share them with us in the comments!

Proverbs 18:10 — God is our shelter.
“The name of the LORD is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe.”
When we are going through difficult or rough times, more often than not, we are left with a feeling of being exposed, like we are not safe even when we are in the comfort of our own homes.
Despite this, the security that God offers us should not be questioned, as this verse reminds us since God does not only offer us shelter; we can always find shelter in Him.
Our situation is separate from this fact, and it does not weigh on whether or not God will aid us. Despite this, what Proverbs 18:10 reminds us is that the Lord does not promise us safety from pain or physical safety.
Even by invoking the Lord and remembering His name, we can return to him and feel secure in our minds and hearts.
We can feel connected to him and safe. It is not about the idea of hiding away from the rough times, but that the Lord is there with us at all times and that by keeping Him in our minds and turning to Him, nothing can harm us.
Let God be your shelter and refuge, and remember that nothing can thwart the safety of your soul while believing in the light.
Genesis 3:14-15 — God has always had victory over evil.
“Then the LORD God said to the serpent, ‘Because you have done this, you are cursed more than all animals, domestic and wild. You will crawl on your belly, groveling in the dust, as long as you live.”
We all remember this notable passage from Genesis, when God curses the serpent and Adam and Eve get their punishment for going outside of His word.
While some may perceive this passable as something hostile and a striking metaphor about Satan’s humiliation and conflict with humankind, it is way more than this. This passage is about God’s ultimate triumph over the forces of evil and how nothing can stop good from prevailing.
In tough times, it may seem like nothing can be made better and that all we are doing may be in vain. Despite this impression, it is good to remember this verse and understand it fully.
Evil cannot prevail over humans and hurt us for too long; the verse predicts Jesus’s victory against death and Satan, and no matter what, the righteous will see relief.
This passage is important as it teaches us that no matter how much sin is trying to rule our lives, it cannot prevail, and all evil designs are bound to be defeated; our suffering does not follow Satan’s word, but God’s final plan!

Psalm 56:8 — Our sorrow matters to God.
“You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book”
Our tough times are going to wear us down, and it can become a truly isolating experience that can appear to be never-ending. This is why we should remember those who came before us, their struggles, and their words so that we can receive their wisdom and emulate their strong belief in God.
David the Psalmist was one of God’s disciples and faced some of the biggest hardships; he was betrayed by those closest to him, and threats against his life were commonplace.
We received this passage from him when he had been imprisoned by a hostile nation, and in tough times, we better remember these words that he penned.
No matter in what way we are hurting, we should never fall into the trap of feeling like God is distracted or distant. We are being tried, and the passage shows us how God truly is: engaged, tender, and intimate in an intimate way.
God has taken note of all the seconds that made up David’s heartache and pain, down to every tear he shed and why. The Lord does not only care about our sorrows but will also remember and honor us for managing to pass them.
His gentle and intense attention may not be apparent to us, so we better remember David’s words and know that God is right there with us!

Romans 8:18 — The pain we perceive cannot compare with absolution.
“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed to usward.”
No one discredits the tough times you may be traversing now, but in the end, His plan for each and every one of us is different.
We cannot know what can come, and despite the strong inkling we may have that there is more to come, it is easy to fall prey to sinful thoughts. It is easy to believe that these hard times would be better if we turned our backs on God and went to the secular life.
Despite this, Romans 8:18 reminds us of the bigger plan and the reward for managing to go through all our sufferings according to God’s will. We may have to go through such intense times now, but at the end of the road, when we ascend to His kingdom, the glory and happiness we shall receive will make everything no longer count!
Keep your faith and remember these passages when the darkness seems all-encompassing!
If you are struggling after losing a loved one, we recommend you read this book to help you strengthen your faith: Like a River by Granger Smith.
It is often that we have strayed from the Lord and given into the secular life. Yet, all true supporters of God and believers in His word are going to return to Him. However, since we have been influenced by the secular for so long, some may find it difficult. We have gathered the best ways to help someone return to God and leave the secular life behind, and you can read them here.