3 Ways to Reconnect With God After a Secular Life

Are you ready to reconnect with God after leading a mainly secular life? We are here to guide you!

A lot of us have been living secular lives, but it is truly never too late to reconnect with God. In the end, we should be as understanding as He would be with us and work towards turning back to the spiritual life.

No matter your age, you may end up being taken by the secular life, become too invested in the pleasures of life, or lose your way due to stress and everyday problems. You may forgo going to church for one week, and then it slowly becomes not going over a longer period. You forget to pray and slowly lose your connection to the Lord.

Despite this, our Lord is never going to turn us away when we realize that we need to reconnect with God and become pious again. Unfortunately, a lot of Christians who have been oppressed by the secular world find it difficult to go back to the spiritual one or even feel lost on their journey to reconnect with the Lord.

We here at The Daily Bible Message know how challenging this transition back to the truth can be, so we have gathered some of the best tips for managing to reconnect with God after a secular life. They have been things that our community has done and found useful, so we hope that you or a loved one in your life who is struggling also finds them helpful!

Have you found yourself strung from the light? Did you find certain actions beneficial when on the path to reconnecting with your faith? Please share any helpful tips with our Christian community in the comments below!

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Image By dee karen From Shutterstock

Start listening to Christian music to honor the Lord

“Worship the Lord with gladness, come before him with joyful songs.” (Psalm 100:2)

A good way to start reconnecting with God is to pick up the habit of listening to Christian and worship music. A lot of the time, God will speak to you through the verses in the music, and a lot of faithful people have found that worship music not only provides them with peace in trying times but also brings strength to their spirits when they are weary.

A lot of worship songs also connect closely to the Scripture, and you will be able to not only remember and learn more about the Scripture but also reconnect with God’s presence. People have also felt supported when they are down and seen by such music, and it is a great way to pick yourself up when you are down or to celebrate the times when you are happy.

The best thing about worship and Christian music is that you do not have to have a special time or place to be able to enjoy it. Be it that you are driving somewhere, exercising, doing things around the house, exercising, enjoying a hobby, or you are in a moment of devotional time, you can turn on some worship music and it will have the same effect.

The important part when you are transitioning back to a spiritual life is to accept the Lord back into your life and be intentional about your efforts to reconnect with Him. This means that you should be listening to the music and thinking about Him and your faith while also relearning it.

You can also sign along and sing the praise of the Lord, letting go of all your fears and anxieties toward Him. God will guide you as long as your intention is real, and sometimes He guides us through music!

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Image By MarinelaM From Shutterstock

Consider keeping a gratitude journal

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” (Psalm 107:1)

Sometimes the best way to reconnect with God is to think about gratitude and especially practice this in times when you are feeling the most distant from your faith. Life is demanding, and being more so surrounded by secular aspects, it is easy to fall down the path of forgetting about how God provides us with resilience, strength, and patience.

A lot of what we have is because the Lord has so-willed it and because we have been empowered by Him to reach out and work for all that we have accomplished. This is why you should keep a gratitude journal so that you do not get swept up in all the negativity that can surround you daily.

What’s more, by being grateful and realizing all the amazing things you have around you, you can be reminded of all the things you love, along with the fact that God has never forgotten about you. You will be more thankful for all the good things you have, and you can also introduce some Psalms and Scripture verses so that you can reconnect with God even more efficiently.

Even better, whenever you feel like your faith may be wavering and that you need a reminder of why this journey is important and worth it, you can return to your gratitude journal.

Make it a daily activity, write down what you are thankful for, and think about God’s plan at the same time, thus giving both thanks and praise to the Lord.

Remember, even during our darkest days and periods, what will eventually connect you to God is gratitude, and this bridge can only stay as durable as you will make it to be!

If you find it hard to make a journal of your own and stick to it, do not fret, for we have a solution for you. When in doubt, you can always invest in a Daily Prayer and Gratitude Journal, which will guide and help you through the transition!

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Image By Gorodenkoff From Shutterstock

Keep in touch with God by praying and talking to Him daily

“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16)

Probably the best way to reconnect with God is to start praying again. Praying is a great way to not only restart that connection but also to give praise and thanks to the Lord. By praying, you can easily share what burdens you and surrender whatever may be causing you anxiety to Him, while at the same time opening your heart to Him and His guidance.

What the Lord wants is for us to return to Him and faith, so His arms are always open for the moment when we freely decide to go back to the light willingly. You don’t have to be in a bad moment of your life to start praying, nor do you have to do it in a specific setting. You can take a moment to pray whenever you want, and you can also talk to God about anything you may want.

There is nothing too small or too big to be shared with God, and you can take inspiration and guidance from our quoted verse! Any prayer or word spoken to God is effective and powerful, especially when it comes to reconnecting with God.

You do not have to only be asking for guidance and wisdom on heavy topics; you may be praying for courage, confidence, healing, happiness, and about how thankful you are!

Going back to praying or starting to do so for the first time can be a bit intimidating, which is why you can start small by speaking to Him throughout the day and praising Him for how the day went and how you got there safely.

prayer becomes part of your daily life, along with gratitude, and your relationship will be strong and steady. You will not only seek the Lord in trying times or out of obligation but also because He has become a trusted friend and a leader like he has always been, even when you were not aware!

Converse with God, for He is always there for you, and watch how easy it is to go back to Him!

We wish you luck on your journey towards faith and truth!

There are many ways through which you can connect with God, and maybe the Lord has been giving you signs that it is time to turn back to Him. You may even be surrounded by the Lord and not realize it. This is why we suggest you keep an open mind and heart so that you can see the Christian symbols around you and understand them. If you are curious about what the most common Christian symbols mean, give our article on the matter a read!

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