If you want to have a happy and strong marriage, these are the biblical lessons you should follow!
Marrying the love of your life is one of the most beautiful things someone can experience. You get to spend every day with the person that makes your heart jump each time you see them or sends butterflies in your stomach when they kiss you.
While discovering your partner more and more each day feels like a dream come true, it’s not always easy. Every relationship has its ups and downs, moments of pure happiness, and seasons of challenge. So, where can you turn for guidance on building a happy and strong marriage? The Bible.
For centuries, these biblical lessons have provided people with countless insights into love, commitment, respect, and forgiveness. Whether you just married, celebrated decades together, or simply want to strengthen your relationship, the Bible holds powerful truths that can help you nurture a marriage rooted in love and faith.
From putting God at the center of your romance to practicing kindness and patience, these biblical lessons are just as useful today as they were thousands of years ago. So, if you need some divine inspiration to build a fulfilling and long-lasting marriage, here are some lessons you don’t want to miss:

1. Put God first
(Proverbs 3:5-6)
A beautiful and strong marriage isn’t built just on love, attraction, and mutual respect but also on faith. The sacred book tells you to “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Many couples experience issues because they forget about God’s word and rely solely on their own wisdom.
Remember that God is always with you, guiding you each step of the way. When you feel hopeless, stuck, or angry, put him at the center and notice how everything changes for the better. Think of him as a comfort source in times of stress and despair, patience when your temper flares, and joy when you’re happy.
If you want to strengthen your marriage faster and build a stronger relationship with God at the same time, you could read the Scripture together, pray together, and ask the Lord for guidance. When both of you grow spiritually, your relationship will grow stronger naturally, and it will stand the test of time without problems.
2. Love like Christ
(Ephesians 5:25)
Jesus went through several challenges during his time among humans, but he never gave up on his love for them. He kept being supportive, loving, and understanding and never lost his hope that people would be and do better.
The Bible tells husbands to cherish their partners “just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her”. Women should love and care for their husbands just as much. The message behind this biblical lesson is that spouses should love each other unconditionally.
Even if things don’t always work out the way you want them to—because let’s face it, there might be times when one annoys or disappoints the other—the love, respect, and patience shouldn’t fade. The love the Scriptures refer to isn’t only based on fleeting emotions but is rather a constant decision to uplift, serve, and honor your partner.
We all know that Jesus loved all of us even if we showed terrible behavior, so we should learn to extend that same grace to the people we love the most. Instead of keeping score and pinpointing all your spouse’s flaws, accept them with kindness.
There’s nothing that can’t be solved with proper communication and understanding, so if there’s something you don’t like, say it from a place of love. This way, you’ll build intimacy and trust and strengthen your marriage.
Remember that when both spouses cherish and love Jesus, they create a special bond that reflects God’s divine plan, which is rooted in selfless devotion, commitment, and faith.

3. It’s always teamwork
(Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)
It can be hard to always be on your partner’s side, especially if things aren’t going in the direction you’d hoped. But if you want to build a strong and lasting marriage, here’s another biblical lesson you should listen to: “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor”.
Marrying someone is like choosing the same person every single day. Unfortunately, many couples struggle because they forget they’re teammates and act like opponents. A happy and thriving relationship isn’t about who’s right, who has more money, or who’s winning—it’s about joining forces to work together for a common goal, vision, or desire.
There are, of course, things you might not agree on, but at the end of the day, you’re in that marriage together, so prioritize unity over personal preferences. If one of you is feeling down, the other one lifts them up. God created marriage so that partners can work together and create a wonderful bond that’s all about teamwork, respect, and love.
4. Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger
(James 1:19)
Even though everyone (including myself) talks about how essential communication is in every relationship, it’s not always the easiest thing to do. But here’s a biblical lesson that will give you clear wisdom: “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry”.
Many times, people rush to respond to one another rather than truly listen. Miscommunication can happen in an instant and, sadly, lead to unnecessary fights, resentment, and hurt feelings. Instead of being quick to react—especially if it’s defensive—take a moment to truly hear your spouse’s words.
If you notice that you’re on the verge of fighting, pause for a second, think of how you’d like your conversation to evolve, and then let the words come out of your mouth. Speaking angrily doesn’t serve you any good, and sometimes, we can’t take it back.
Of course, everything is easier said than done, but won’t you be happier if you have healthy communication with your significant other, rather than screaming and blaming each other for everything? The Scriptures advise everyone to actively listen and give thoughtful responses even in times of doubt or anger.
…After all, love is the answer, isn’t it?

5. Remember that your words have power
(Proverbs 18:21)
If you’ve read the Bible, you know that it says, “The tongue has the power of life and death”. Isn’t it right? The words you speak have more power than you can imagine, and they can either lift your spouse up or tear them down in a snap. Just take a moment to think about how often sarcasm, complaints, or criticism find their way into conversations.
While they might not seem like a big deal at first, over time, negativity can wear down even the happiest or strongest marriage. Don’t get me wrong, it’s normal to fight or have differences, but constantly saying mean or sarcastic words just because your partner can handle it isn’t the best option in the long run.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, affirming, loving, and kind words help build a safe and supportive atmosphere where both spouses feel appreciated and cared for. Even if you’re not the type who says I love you that often, you can tell your significant other that you appreciate them or you’re proud of them for doing something.
Being extra nice and attentive toward the person you decided to spend your life with can have a major positive impact, especially if they’re not feeling themselves on a specific day or period. This biblical lesson is here to remind us that words can heal or deepen wounds, and it’s your choice of how you want to use them.
…Do you follow any of these biblical lessons?
Remember that when God is part of your marriage, you can overcome any obstacle with love, care, patience, and faith. Things won’t always be easy, but you have to make it a priority to team up, honor your promises, ask for guidance, and stay true to one another.
6. Always honor your vows
(Mark 10:9)
Many people are excited to say their vows on the wedding day and then forget about them. But here’s the thing: a marriage is a special union between two people who love each other. It’s not just a romantic commitment but a sacred covenant before God.
One biblical lesson reminds us that “What God has joined together, let no one separate,” so remember that love isn’t shared only when things are well. A marriage is about choosing one another when things get tough. Every relationship, no matter how old or strong, goes through difficult seasons.
The key to surviving challenging moments is to continue being perseverant, loving, and faithful. Things can go wrong at any time, but it’s your job not to let them weaken your sacred bond.
As I’ve already mentioned at the beginning of this article, remember to always put God first and ask for counsel when you can no longer deal with the things you have on your plate. A strong and happy marriage isn’t one that doesn’t have any problems, but one where both partners choose to overcome any issue with love and commitment.

7. Forgive your partner
(Colossians 3:13)
You can never hide from disappointment, moments of doubt, frustration, or hurt, regardless of how much you try. As the Scripture says, the key to lasting love and faith is forgiveness. After all, God tells us to “forgive as the Lord forgave you.”
Here’s the thing: everyone has their own limit when it comes to relationships, so you get to decide what a deal-breaker is for you and what is not. If you feel like you can forgive your significant other for something they did, you should release resentment.
It’s best to openly discuss what went wrong and how you wish you’d be treated, rather than holding onto grudges. Being constantly angry or upset at the person you decided to spend the rest of your life with will only create a huge wall between you.
This doesn’t mean that you should ignore specific issues or allow them to treat you badly. Always communicate your needs and expectations, but let go of any bitterness in case something doesn’t go your way. It’s only this way that love can thrive and strengthen your marriage.
Your sacred union before God is a journey of two imperfect people who chose each other and who learn how to love and accept one another every day, despite their flaws. If God shows us grace and love each day, shouldn’t we extend the same courtesy to the people we love?
When the people in a relationship prioritize forgiveness over pride, their connection becomes a safe haven where love always comes first.

8. Serve one another
(Galatians 5:13)
A marriage grows stronger once both partners focus on giving rather than receiving. One biblical lesson teaches us to “serve one another humbly in love.” A successful marriage isn’t about who does more or better—it’s about putting your loved one first in everyday moments.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t love yourself or that you should forget about your needs and desires just to serve your significant other. It’s more about treating your partner right, showing them acts of kindness, and supporting them all the way.
For example, you can surprise them by cooking their favorite meal when they come home from a demanding day. This doesn’t even have to involve physical action. You can even hug them or encourage them in times of doubt. All you have to do is be present every day, especially when they need it the most.
When both spouses treat each other as a priority, magical things happen, and your marriage becomes stronger and more joyful day by day. Not to mention, this behavior creates a safe space where you can both be honest and feel safe with one another, just as you should.
9. Don’t forget about intimacy
(1 Corinthians 7:3-5)
God designed intimacy as a special way for husband and wife to nurture the sacred bond between them. Today’s world is busier than ever, and although you might have 100 things on your to-do list, don’t forget to feed the emotional and physical connection with your significant other.
It’s easy to get caught up in a go-go move, but remember that a thriving marriage requires intentional effort from both sides. Prioritize quality time together: kiss, laugh, hold hands, do other physical things, hug, say I love you, etc.
When a couple makes an effort to care for their bond, they’ll both remain strong, fulfilled, happy, and thriving. Do you agree? Leave a comment below and let me know what your thoughts are!
10. Stay faithful in heart and mind
(Hebrews 13:4)
You can’t have a happy and thriving marriage unless you both stay faithful in heart and mind! Faithfulness in a romantic relationship goes beyond avoiding physical interactions with someone else—it includes protecting your thoughts, heart, and emotional connections and only having your significant other in your mind and heart.
All biblical lessons instruct us to maintain the purity and sincerity of a sacred relationship between two people who love each other. In simpler words, a spouse must be committed in both actions and desires.
Today, temptation is at every corner and comes in a plethora of forms—TV, workplace, social media, and emotional attachments outside of your relationship, and even unhealthy comparisons.
But have no fear, because having open communication with your spouse, nurturing intimacy, taking care of each other, putting God first, and setting boundaries will make you even more attracted to one another, and the idea of someone else won’t even cross your mind.
Trust is one of the most important things in any relationship, so don’t forget that you and your partner chose one another. Speak positively about your loved one and keep choosing them every day. When you trust God’s plan and prioritize the things you have, you will be unbreakable!
Until next time, remember that the Lord is always present, watching over you and your marriage. Your partner is your greatest blessing, the one who will always love and support you. With good communication, mutual respect, shared goals, unwavering faith, and deep love, your marriage can flourish incredibly!
If you want to strengthen your relationship and discover how God can guide you on this journey, here’s a wonderful book that will inspire and uplift you!
What are your thoughts on these biblical lessons? Do you think they could help you improve your marriage? I would love to know what your thoughts are, so leave a comment below and join the conversation!
If you want to read something else from The Daily Bible Message, here’s another useful article for you: 6 Mistakes Christians Should Watch Out For!