Get ready, because God is preparing you for something HUGE!
Are you feeling a shift in your life? Maybe you feel like you’re about to go in a new direction or wait for something big to happen, but you don’t have a clear idea of what it is. Well, let me tell you—it’s not only in your head. God is preparing you for something major!
Think about how your life has been looking in the past few weeks or months. Whether you’re feeling stuck in your routine or career or have no idea what your life purpose is, this article will shed some light on what’s about to happen.
There might come a time in everyone’s life when something major is just around the corner. But don’t worry, because all those challenges, obstacles, and hard times are only meant to make you stronger for the amazing things that will come next. Sometimes, before the Lord opens the doors to something magical, he’ll give you clues—this article is one of them.
So, bear with me, because I’m about to talk you through all the signs that God is preparing you for something huge this season. Whether it’s a breakthrough in your faith, a new opportunity, a life of love and abundance, or a miraculous moment that will bring you closer to his purpose for you, things are going to be amazing!
With that being said, if you’re ready to embrace the change, get ready to discover God’s plan! There are amazing things in store for you, so let’s begin! Your luck is just around the corner:

1. Increased self-awareness
If your self-awareness is at its peak, take it as a sign that God is preparing you for something big. You probably started to ask yourself deeper questions about your values and life purpose. It can be overwhelming to start questioning all sorts of things all of a sudden, especially if you feel stuck or don’t know where to go next, but it’s a necessary part of the process.
Instead of resisting change, embrace this season as a God-given opportunity to reflect on who you are and who you want to become. Remember that the possibilities are endless, so take this chance to grow, refine your character, and align with his greater plan for you.
This is the perfect time to reflect, seek divine guidance through prayer, meditate, and nurture your body and mind. It might be uncomfortable, I know, but fully surrender to the process. You’ll be amazed by how much stronger, wiser, and more in tune with yourself you’ll be after this.
2. Doors closing and opening
Part of this process can be tricky to go through, but remember the bigger picture: God is preparing YOU for something incredible. Your energy, lifestyle, and relationships (including the one with yourself) should match the divine things you’re about to experience in the future.
For example, don’t be surprised if you grow apart from people you thought would be with you for the rest of your life. Everyone is on their own journey, and if you don’t align anymore, that’s perfectly fine.
On the other hand, you might also experience new opportunities and meet new people who will know the current version of you (who said that you can’t make friends when you’re older?). Things are about to change for your highest good, so pay attention to all these signs and have faith that everything is part of God’s plan for you.
Even if something doesn’t make any sense now, stay present, do the inner work, pray, ask him for guidance, and be patient because everything will fall in the right direction at the right time.
3. You feel restlessness
This might sound a bit counterintuitive, but when God is preparing you for something huge, you might be experiencing deep restlessness. You can feel like you’re in a rut, constantly unsettled, and stuck in a transitional season.
It can be annoying or tiring, but stay faithful and trust the process. In case you feel like your current situation no longer fits your lifestyle or doesn’t align with your values anymore, don’t worry, because this is the exact moment you’ll start to meet the new you. There’s probably something inside you pushing for change, so don’t resist it, but rather embrace it.
This could be the Lord stirring your spirit and sending you all the signs that you’re about to enter the next phase of your journey. The change might be uncomfortable, but fully surrender it, and you’ll soon notice that everything makes sense.
So, in simpler words, if you don’t feel like yourself and have no idea where to go next, it doesn’t mean that you failed in any way, but rather take it as a sign that transformation is on the way.

4. You experience random encounters
Have you ever had a random encounter that made you feel like, “Ah, this wasn’t that random after all”? Maybe you met someone who told you something you were just thinking about, gave you some much-needed wisdom, or maybe you came across an opportunity when you weren’t expecting.
All these moments seem like coincidences, but don’t be quick to judge them because they could be divine appointments. When God is preparing you for something big, he frequently places the right lessons, opportunities, and people in your path. That’s why you feel like you’ve started to attract the right things in your life, helping you feel more aligned than ever.
Pay attention to all these moments because they can give you insights that will guide you toward your breakthrough.
5. Encountering roadblocks
A growth journey won’t always be nice and steady, and tough periods are necessary to help you bloom into the best version of yourself. If you’ve read fairy tales, you surely remember that the main characters had to go through difficult challenges to reach the other side. Whether it was for saving the princess or learning how to rule the kingdom, fighting with wicked witches or terrifying mystical animals was mandatory.
While such fights don’t exist in our world, you can still encounter roadblocks that can either bring you down (if you allow them to) or help you become stronger. For instance, you could be having financial struggles, problems at work, or difficult relationships.
These moments are frustrating, but remember there’s a reason why you feel the way you do. Don’t rush through things and feel everything you need to feel, but don’t let annoying situations bring you down, especially since you know that they’re here to set the stage for an incredible leap.
6. Your faith might be tested
When you experience constant challenges, such as those mentioned above, you could feel distant from God. You might be sick of having so many doubts and setbacks, so understandably, you start questioning the Lord: Why me?
But instead of focusing all your attention and energy on these obstacles, recognize them as tests and stages you must go through. God wouldn’t give you them if he didn’t know you could overcome them, so stay faithful, because you’ve got this.
Remember that everything is temporary, and this momentary discomfort is a blessing in disguise, helping you become stronger and more resilient.

7. You feel a deep inner calling
Did you feel an inner pull toward something new that excites and brings you joy? Even if you don’t understand it or don’t know where to start, it’s calling your name every day. Maybe it’s a passion project or idea you’ve been ignoring for a long time or an old hobby that’s resurfacing.
God is preparing you for something big, and he places desires in your heart for a reason. If you have something that lights you up, it’s time to listen because your purpose might be calling you.
Who knows? A little silly idea could turn into something amazing—something better than you ever imagined!
8. You see signs and confirmations
Have you noticed particular Bible verses showing up everywhere, repeating numbers, certain book passages that are similar to what’s happening in your life at the moment, or hearing the same message from different sources?
They might seem like random encounters, but keep in mind that God usually speaks through patterns, signs, and confirmations to guide and tell you that you’re on the right path. Whether it’s an angel number that pops up everywhere or a specific word that’s meaningful to you that keeps coming up, take these small details as divine encouragement.
Sometimes, they act as a wake-up call to pay attention to something you’ve overlooked, or they’re simply a reassurance that you’re on the right path. So, keep an eye out for these messages that keep appearing in your day or even dreams, because they can tell you more about your journey than you think.
Don’t forget to take a step back too, pause, reflect, and regroup so you can focus on the things that matter to you. As you already know, God constantly works in mysterious ways, so don’t neglect these signs. Stay alert, and don’t forget that good things are coming!
9. A desire to step out of your comfort zone
Another important thing you’ll notice during your growth period is that you feel a sudden urge to step out of your comfort zone. Whether it’s taking new risks, being excited to try new things, or deciding to pursue opportunities that once felt intimidating, you’re all about growing and evolving.
This mindset shift might be a result of the fact that God is preparing you for something major, so embrace it. As frightening as stepping into the unknown can be, don’t overthink this situation, because you’re likely to talk yourself out of this.
It’s time to stretch beyond your limitations and trust the Lord in new ways. He’s by your side every step of the way, so make the most of this desire to step out of your comfort zone. And if you’re scared, just think about the fact that all the things you’ve ever wanted could be waiting for you on the other side.

10. You’re outgrowing your current environment
When God is preparing you for something bigger, you might feel like you have outgrown your current environment. Maybe you feel like you don’t align anymore with the people you love, don’t feel at home where you once did, or don’t enjoy the work you do.
Experiencing these changes can be confusing, but remember you’re always changing, so it’s only natural to call in more aligned people and places. All these doubts, insecurities, or feelings that you’re not where you’re meant to be are signs that the Lord is pushing you toward something special and greater than ever before.
He’s probably getting you ready for new opportunities, a fresh direction, and a different and better environment. Embrace this feeling and the new version of yourself because you’ll soon be in a place where you’ll thrive and grow even more.
11. You feel peaceful even in chaos
You feel peaceful and ready to take on challenges even in times of doubt, chaos, and uncertainty. When life feels like too much to handle, but you don’t mind it and would rather accept and sit with the discomfort, it’s a sign that God is preparing you for something big.
Those around you might consider your inner peace illogical, and maybe you agree, but don’t forget to cherish your divine gift. It’s not easy to move forward with ease and confidence when everything around you is crazier by the day, but you can.
This doesn’t mean problems won’t affect you, but rather that the Lord’s presence and reassurance will remind you that everything will be okay. This beautiful and comforting peace helps you have faith in God’s plan, even if you have no idea what you’ll find on the other side.
12. You experience a sudden sense of clarity
When God is preparing you for something incredible, you might experience a sudden sense of clarity, similar to a lightbulb moment. We’ve previously talked about the fact that it’s not always easy to see the light at the end of the tunnel, especially when you’re caught up in a transitional moment, but the fog won’t always be there.
It’s as if the doubts, confusion, and uncertainty that once clouded your mind begin to lift, and you see everything clearly. This can manifest in different forms, such as feeling a sense of purpose in your life, a specific decision that becomes easier to make, or a feeling that you are exactly where you should be.
You might have to wait a while before all these happen, but you’re confident and assured that everything will turn out for your highest good. Rather than letting yourself go and letting all the doubts choke you, remember that God is paving the way for you to walk on, and it’s time to move forward with faith.
13. You welcome new relationships
Are there any new relationships entering your life? After spending time with these people, do you feel recharged, happier, more inspired, more confident, and more balanced? Do they bring more peace and fulfillment into your life?
If the answer to the questions above is yes, consider yourself lucky because it means that God is preparing you for something huge. When you grow and transform into the best version of yourself, you shed behaviors and habits that don’t serve you anymore, so it’s no wonder you attract people, opportunities, and situations that align with the person you’re becoming.
These are all signs that something amazing is happening, so be happy because you’re on the right path. You could enter new friendships that seem to form effortlessly or meet people just at the right time, mentors who offer you wisdom and guidance.
It doesn’t matter what background these people come from, because the most important thing is how they make you feel. When God is with you, he will use different methods to spread his word, so don’t be surprised if these people challenge your way of thinking, offer incredibly valuable perspectives, or offer you the sincere encouragement you need to continue with your journey.
These new relationships can help you make a significant shift, so nurture your new connections, and don’t assume they’re just coincidences because they’re part of God’s plan for you. Don’t forget this—the best is yet to come!
Have you ever experienced any of these signs? What did the transformation process feel like? Did you feel God’s presence throughout your journey? I’d love to hear your story—so if you want to share, drop a comment below! And if you’re looking to dive deeper into God’s plan for your life, here’s a book that can help.
Until next time, stay faithful, trust the process, and always ask the Lord for guidance when things seem tough. Don’t worry, you’ve got this! If you want to read something else from The Daily Bible Message, here’s another post you won’t want to miss: 6 Virtues Every Christian Must Pursue